Welcome to St Swithun's Church of England Primary Academy - see our new video tour on the Welcome page.

St Swithun's Church of England Primary Academy

Valuing individuals, aspiring and achieving together in faith

Vision & Values

St Swithun’s C of E Primary Academy’s Vision           

Love bears all things - regardless of what we need to face

Believes all things - looks for the best in every individual

Hopes all things - stays strong in belief during difficult times

Endures all things - through every circumstance

1 Corinthians 13:7


As a Church school, our aims are built on a foundation of Christian Gospel teaching. The individual attributes and qualities we want to nurture are inclusive of all – whatever faith, belief or ability.

All our decisions are underpinned by Jesus's promise of, 'Life in all it's fullness'.

We aim to give children opportunities and experiences that inspire them to achieve through working together with Love, Belief, Hope and Endurance.


Guided by the Diocesan Vision of Growing Disciples Wider Younger Deeper,  the Central Church of England Vision Statement “Deeply Christian Serving the Common Good”. 


  • Wisdom, Knowledge & Skills:  Providing a curriculum and experiences that secure transformational  outcomes for children and young people by combining academic rigour with a focus on profound personal development.
  • Hope & Aspiration: Welcoming all, especially those who are disadvantaged and giving everyone the opportunity understand, experience and respond to the Christian faith which inspires and motivates the school and opens up new horizons of hope.
  • Respect & Dignity: Building an environment in the school in which everyone is valued, recognising that each individual is made in the image of God and loved by him so that they can learn to relate positively to themselves, other people, the world around them and God.
  • Community & Living Well Together:  Giving children, staff and parents the opportunity to experience being part of a community which creates a strong sense of belonging based on Christian values and rooted in Christian beliefs and practices.

Mission statement


St Swithun’s School aspires to be a Church school that includes children, parents/carers, staff, governors and the wider community, which we refer to as “our family”. 


We welcome and value everyone as part of our community based on Christian values.


We work together as a team which respects and values the unique contributions of each individual child and adult.


We learn together in a safe, secure and stable loving environment.


We strive for excellence in all we do and say, building an atmosphere of trust, respect and friendship.


We endeavour to support each other to reach our full potential.


We are committed to developing the spiritual and emotional well being of everyone in our community.


Our school is proud to be rooted in Christian values.



Aims of the school


  • To provide a broad and balanced curriculum supported by a stimulating learning environment and extra-curricular activities.


  • For each child to be happy, have friends and feel cared for, safe and secure.


  • For each child to make progress and reach their fullest potential in all aspects of their learning and development.


  • To enable the children to develop lively, enquiring minds and gain a wide range of knowledge and skills.


  • For the children to have personal self-esteem, personal self-discipline, appropriate independence and an understanding of inter-dependence.


  • For the children to co-operate with and have tolerance and respect for others.


  • For all who learn and work at the school to feel valued and respected and for all to feel that they are making an important contribution to the life of the school.


  • To provide opportunities for the children to learn about Christian beliefs, Christian faith and other World religions and faiths.


  • To prepare the children for their continuing education at secondary school.


  • To prepare the children for responsible citizenship in the adult world.