St Swithun's Church of England Primary Academy
Valuing individuals, aspiring and achieving together in faith
Rufford Class Homework
Reading is very important to your child's progress, as the vocabulary they discover in books broadens their spoken and written vocabulary.
We ask that your child reads at home at least three times a week and this is recorded in their reading record (pictured above). As your children are now Key Stage 2, I do encourage them to complete one (at most two) of their reads independently and record this in their reading record themselves. This is monitored weekly by myself.
Spellings are sent home each Monday, the rules and teaching is explored at school. The spelling rule we are working on is clearly displayed at the top of this sheet. You can support your child with their spellings by encouraging them to take part in the Chilli Challenges I stuck in the front of their spelling book.
Times Tables Rock Stars:
Times Tables Rock Stars is a fun and engaging way for your children to learn their times tables and earn coins to change their appearance of their Rock Star.
Your children all have their own login, which is stuck in the front of their Reading Record. We expect your child to login to Times Table Rock Stars from home at least once a week or for a duration of at least 15 minutes.
Children in Year 4 have a government required times table check to complete in the Summer Term, they must know their times table facts up to and including 12x12.