Welcome to St Swithun's Church of England Primary Academy - see our new video tour on the Welcome page.

St Swithun's Church of England Primary Academy

Valuing individuals, aspiring and achieving together in faith

Uniform Information

St Swithun's C of E Primary Academy Uniform Policy

School Uniform

Pupils in Years 1 to 6 will wear a grey, purple and black clip-on tie In addition to the clip on tie, the uniform will also consist of either a grey knitted jumper, grey knitted cardigan. 


The new uniform supplier is called Logo Leisure Wear. Uniform ordering will now be based online, the link below takes you to their website where you can place uniform orders.


The school uniform is as follows:


Grey, purple and black tie

White shirt 

Grey knitted jumper or cardigan with or without a school logo

Charcoal Grey trousers

Charcoal Grey Shorts (Summer Term)

White/Grey/Black socks and Black formal school shoes – NO TRAINERS




Grey, purple and black tie

White shirt 

Grey knitted jumper or cardigan with or without a school logo

Charcoal Grey trousers

Charcoal Grey skirts

Charcoal Grey Pinafore Dress or purple checked gingham dress (Summer Term)

White/Grey/Black socks and Black formal school shoes – NO TRAINERS


PE Kit (only required from Reception class onwards)

White T Shirt 

Black sports shorts

Plimsolls/Trainers for indoor and outdoor activities



F1 / F2  Boys Uniform


White polo shirt

Grey knitted jumper or cardigan with or without a school logo

Charcoal Grey trousers

Charcoal Grey shorts (Summer Term)

White/Grey/Black socks and Black formal school shoes – NO TRAINERS


F1 / F2 Girls Uniform


White polo shirt

Grey knitted jumper or cardigan with or without a school logo

Charcoal Grey trousers

Charcoal Grey skirts

Charcoal Grey Pinafore Dress or purple checked gingham dress (Summer Term)

White/Grey/Black socks and Black formal school shoes – NO TRAINERS


Please ensure all clothing is clearly labelled as it is impossible to return items to their correct owner if they are not labelled clearly.
