Welcome to St Swithun's Church of England Primary Academy - see our new video tour on the Welcome page.

St Swithun's Church of England Primary Academy

Valuing individuals, aspiring and achieving together in faith

School Swimming

Children will have swimming lessons in Key Stage 2 at St Swithun's C of E Primary Academy. Swimming kit should be sent in a bag. Children may wear goggles and complete the appropriate consent form available from the school office (or the link below). Please ensure your child brings a coat on swimming days but watches and jewellery (including earrings) must be left at home for reasons of security and safety.


If your child is not swimming for any reason then you need to let the class teacher know or contact them via the school office. This is due to the fact that swimming is a curriculum subject like any other.


Nottinghamshire County Council no longer require the wearing of verruca socks. Children with a verruca will swim as normal. They do, however, have strict guidelines on the kind of swim wear the children are permitted to wear. Please follow the link below for the school swimming handbook.
